Friday, July 25, 2008

Obama and Structural Change

Obama was in Israel yesterday pledging his eternal devotion to Israel’s own defnition of what constitutes security for Israel. (Is there any other country in our multi-polar world that claims, and is perpetually granted by the US, the right to define completely on its own subjective terms what constitutes a reasonable level of security in relation to its neighbors?)

My liberal friends want me to believe that he will bring real change to to US foreign policy. In order for me to second their dreams I need a) to know he really doesn´t believe the pledges he made yesterday or in his equally snivelling speech to AIPAC about a month back, or b) embrace the “see no evil because I´m afraid of being called an anti-semite” idea that the Likuddite vision for securing Israel´s strategic dominance of the Mideast has had nothing to do with the execution of US foreign policy in the Mideast during the las seven years. Though I too want to believe, I can't say I see either proposition as having much basis in truth.

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